Sometimes I feel bad about all of the above, but lets not dwell on the past because somehow I've tricked myself into thinking that I am an awesome mom. Some might say I set my expectations way too low. For example, most weeks, I don't make it out of the house more than 3 times (that's changing now that it's warmer and the babies are older), but here are a few things I do do. I exercise... probably 4 times a week. I make dinner pretty much every day and it's usually ready when Curtis gets home. I go grocery shopping and usually even look online to find out where the sales are. I am still nursing 2 babies after 5 months!!! They get bathed regularly. We play, we laugh, we go on walks. On any given day, the house is usually cleaned up at some point in time. I change a few diapers each day. I do lots of laundry! I might even start cleaning the bathrooms regularly again.
There is, however, one thing I feel really bad about. I am not documenting this perfect life very well. I could blame it on being so busy with two new babies, but that's not true. They've been sleeping through the night for a while now. I put them down between 7:30 and 8:00 and they'll usually sleep until 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning. I do have some time to do it if I really wanted to. The truth is, I still don't have a wedding book put together or mission pictures for that matter. For some reason, it's just a job I never want to tackle. So for now, I guess this blog is all we have. I will try to make updates more regular.
[Note to grandmas: please don't get your hopes up. I said I will try.]