Yes, my intention of this blog was to keep everyone updated in the wedding planning process, but we'll just say that the last few weeks have FLOWN by! There are now less than 3 weeks until the wedding and I'm kind of in a daze. Everything is done for the most part and announcements are in the mail. Andi and I have been doing the usual driving on our favorite road I-15 and we will be glad to only travel for a few special events rather than our regular weekend "events". This weekend is bridal pictures, the next weekend I will be in Lake Tahoe for a work conference and the next weekend is Andi's graduation, the wedding, a quick trip to Jackson Hole before we are back in Cedar for my graduation the next weekend, a few days to pack and then we are off to Europe!! It will be fun to visit Andi's host family in Germany, my mission in the Czech Republic and spend a few days in Italy before it will be time to settle in to our "normal" married life.
Check out the announcement picture. Kelli (Andi's sister) did a great job with the photography!