Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Best Job Ever

I can't think of a job I've ever had that I've done exceptionally well at. Just ask my brother-in-law. He was my supervisor when I worked at a call center in college. Speaking of college, I was just an average student. I've had a bunch of callings too and I'm pretty sure I could have done a LOT better with all of them. I served a mission, but did nothing out of the ordinary. The list could go on and on.

Sometimes I feel bad about all of the above, but lets not dwell on the past because somehow I've tricked myself into thinking that I am an awesome mom. Some might say I set my expectations way too low. For example, most weeks, I don't make it out of the house more than 3 times (that's changing now that it's warmer and the babies are older), but here are a few things I do do. I exercise... probably 4 times a week. I make dinner pretty much every day and it's usually ready when Curtis gets home. I go grocery shopping and usually even look online to find out where the sales are. I am still nursing 2 babies after 5 months!!! They get bathed regularly. We play, we laugh, we go on walks. On any given day, the house is usually cleaned up at some point in time. I change a few diapers each day. I do lots of laundry! I might even start cleaning the bathrooms regularly again.

There is, however, one thing I feel really bad about. I am not documenting this perfect life very well. I could blame it on being so busy with two new babies, but that's not true. They've been sleeping through the night for a while now. I put them down between 7:30 and 8:00 and they'll usually sleep until 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning. I do have some time to do it if I really wanted to. The truth is, I still don't have a wedding book put together or mission pictures for that matter. For some reason, it's just a job I never want to tackle. So for now, I guess this blog is all we have. I will try to make updates more regular.

[Note to grandmas: please don't get your hopes up. I said I will try.]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


While we were enjoying the sun in St. George, we (I) decided it would be a good time to Kenna Baby for her first swim. Actually, I just wanted to show her off in her cute swimming suit. We haven't found one for Cooper yet so he stayed inside with dad. The water was too cold though so I just splashed water from the hot tub on her and called it good.
Say good bye to Coopers over-the-ears hair. He got a "hairs cut!"
At first, he liked the buzzing of the clippers... the end he was MAD!
He was actually too mad to get a good "after" shot. Here he is a few weeks later. He's in his bouncer and very happy having just finished his first bowl of rice cereal. He really did eat it right up. Maybe he's been ready for it for a while. It's just an adventure I wasn't ready to start. All I have to say is I'm glad Kenna Baby isn't ready yet. I'm just going to worry about one baby at a time.
Our good friends Adam and Ashley were visiting from Arizona. Their little girl is just about 3 months older than our babies and she has teeth. They were all laying on a blanket together. We thought it was so cute and then the screaming started. Katie grabbed Cooper's finger and chomped down. It all happened too fast to stop and we were left with a very upset baby. I figure he needs to get used to it because pretty soon his sister is going to have teeth and who knows what she's going to want to do with them.
Ashley's parents had twins too. They are 30 now, but they still have the magic touch.

Mother's Day Adventure

I'm not sure why this picture turned, but I can't get it to turn back. This is how Kenna Baby and Cooper Dooper spend a lot of their day. They really like to hang out next to each other on a blanket. They tend to grab each other's hands or arms.
We went to visit our families on Mother's Day weekend. As usual, we didn't take enough pictures. Here is one of Grandma Thompson. I'm pretty sure she loves being a grandma.
We were also able to stop and see my grandma. It was the first time she was able to see the babies. Here she is with Kennedy...
...and this is her with Cooper.

One boy, on girl.

Look at those eyes...they probably know that their mom is going to do next.
Yea, I know. He makes a pretty ugly baby girl. It's a good thing he's a super cute baby boy!