Cooper: I am a great big brother! I am super adventurous so I show my sister how to get into things. She finally learned how to crawl so she can follow me wherever I go. One of our favorite things to do is push all of our little balls under the oven, or pull all the silver wear out of the dishwasher... that's fun too. Another favorite activity is climbing the stairs. I laugh the whole way up. I'm not quite walking yet, but I'm close. Mom doesn't know how close because I've been close for a while. I like to really try things out before I move on. For example, I did the army crawl for months and just barely started crawling for reals. I have 8 teeth and have had 5 hair cuts. I say: mama, dada, ball, nana (banana) and all done. I've got a face you can't help but squeeze and sometimes I laugh so hard I think I might turn inside out.
Kennedy: I love to hold my brother's hand. The only time he lets me is when he's held captive like in his highchair or in the stroller so I take advantage of that. I love music. I sing at church and in the car, I play the drums and until I figure out how to play it I will keep singing the recorder too. I finally figured out the army crawl at 11 months and a week later I decided to really crawl so I could keep up with my brother. Mom and dad make me stand next to my toys somethimes and I don't really like it. I wouldn't even do that a month ago. They called me jello legs. I have 2 little teeth. they help me eat and eat and eat. People wonder how I'm so small since I eat so much. I don't really know so I don't tell them anything. There's only so much a girl can communicate with my limited vocabulary: mama, dada, ball, and nana. I also sign "baby," "more," and "all done." I wear my hair in a ponytail, I give kisses, pat my mom and dad on the back when they pick me up form my naps, and wave "good bye." I also have a giggle that melts my daddy's heart.