Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's hard being pregnant. First, I should say that everything is going very well. If I were only having one baby, I would be big enough to have it now. As it is, I have an estimated 6 weeks left. The babies and I are growing rapidly. We're all slightly ahead of schedule:) Anyways, the hard part of being pregnant comes in the not sleeping well at night, the swollen feet, the weird dreams, and especially the things that people say. Following, is an exchange I had with my boss' 5 year old son earlier today. It's probably what most people are thinking, but they're not five so they can't get away with saying it.
Boy (pointing to my belly): What's that?
Me: My tummy with two babies in it.
Boy: I want to see.
I lift up one of my shirts (I dress in layers these days).
Boy: I know someone who's REALLY REALLY REALLY you. She has five babies in her belly.
As far as I know he doesn't know someone who's pregnant with quintuplets. I think he's finally come up with a logical explanation for why some people are so big.


AshEnds said...

That is funny cuz I also know someone who is "fat" like you cuz she is having 5 babies... ha ha, I don't know that you are "fat" cuz YOU DON'T POST PICTURES. Don't you know that we all want to see your ever growing babies bump!!!

J Fo said...

Haha! That's hilarious. I just glad that Emmy's more concerned with manhandling you (and your husband) than calling you fat. I think that you are just adorable!