While they were here visiting, we invited the old game night crew over(minus Josh, Megan, and JP--you were missed) and had a BBQ for the 4th. We have a group picture, but my camera battery was dead so I don't have one yet.
It was the first time we hosted a BBQ because it was the first time we had a grill of our very own. Curtis' parents gave us money to put towards one when Curtis got his masters degree...we spent it on our cruise instead. Then I read a book by Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover. It's one I would really reccomend and it's changed our spending habits. The new joke is asking "is that Dave Ramsey approved" before any purchase. The grill we aquired (complete with hornet's nest and a hole in the bottom that allows black gew to drip out) IS Dave Ramsely approved. We are super excited for many memories to be made with our grill.