Thursday, March 11, 2010

Worst. Picture-posters. Ever!!!

Yes, Yes, we know! We have been promising for almost 3 weeks now to get some new pictures up of the babies (no one ever demanded pictures of us like this before). Let's just say that with two of them Andi's days at home and our evenings slip away from us. Between the feedings, burpings, diapers it is amazing what doesn't get done around here. Oh well, we are growing babies! We are sorry to disappoint the grandparents though. Here are some pictures to tide everyone over for a day or two:

At the doctor today. 2 Month check up. Cooper is 8lbs 11oz and Kennedy is 7lbs 12oz

I laid Cooper down for about 30 seconds to go grab something (he was wide awake) when I returned he was sound asleep in this propped up position. Since he had decided to stay awake in between feedings longer than he was supposed to I didn't dare move him and just let him sleep.


sarahflib said...

I love them!! They are adorable, and I love that they can just chill together.

Megan said...

They are soooo cute! I can't believe I still haven't held them! We'll come to Cedar soon....

Jocelyn and Ryan said...

What cute, healthy little twins :) They make me excited to have mine! Something people have been telling me lately is to remember that the first year is super tough but to just think of how fun they will be once the hard part is over- All I've been told is that it's SO worth it! Hope you guys are getting some sleep!!!

J Fo said...

Love those little snuggle bugs!

Crystal said...

I still can't believe those are your kids!