Every year we go on what we now refer to as the
Haumpson Family Reunion. The
Haub Family and the Thompson Family go to California and have a whole bunch of fun. This year was a little bit more interesting...since we had these two cute things to worry about. This is how the trip went. First, I packed up a whole bunch of milk and took the babies up to Granny Smith's house. Thanks again mom for watching them. Next, I picked up Darren, Kelli, and their 1 year old Damon and we were on our way.

The following story involves breast milk. If that makes you uncomfortable, please skip. On our way back through Cedar City, I decided to pump since we were waiting for Curtis anyways. I really wasn't used to the idea of throwing away liquid gold yet. 10 oz later we were on the road. We stopped at a super scary burger place in Vegas and then went on to
Primm where we stayed at Buffalo Bills for $16.
Yay! As we were unpacking our things, I realized that I had left my pump attachments at home. Out of habit, I kept them out to dry. It didn't take me long to wonder if the 10 oz. I got were worth it. I decided it would just have to wait until the morning.
I got up really early because I couldn't sleep, but since Damon wasn't tired...no one else was asleep either. We just got on the road. We went to or called 3
Wal-Marts and 2 Targets. None of them sold the attachments
separately from the pump. It was on to Babies-R-Us. By this point, I am really worried that I might explode and Babies-R-Us doesn't open for another hour though, so we decided to buy the full pump and sell it later (anyone need a breast pump?)
I ended up pumping for the next hour and got 26 oz. By the end of the trip I threw out 190 oz. Pretty crazy.
After pump accessories, our first stop was 6 Flags! I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS! For the first half of the day we didn't have to wait in lines at all. We were worried about having Damon with us, but he was a champ. He took his naps in his stroller and was pretty happy all day long.

Day 2 was LA. We did some shopping, walked down to the pier, ate yummy food, and just had fun. Everyone told me I was going to miss my babies way too much to enjoy myself. I feel a little bit guilty, but I didn't. I love my babies and I was so excited to kiss their little faces, but I really did enjoy sleeping at night, being able to eat at meal times instead of feeding, and only having to buckle one
seat belt when getting in and out of the car.

Day 3 was Saturday. In my half-marathon training schedule I was supposed to run 9 miles so I took off with my GPS watch and found out that we were only 2.5 miles away from the beach. I got to run 4 miles along the beach. It was wonderful. Running at sea level is awesome too. I felt like I could have gone another 10 miles after I got back to the hotel. After I got back, the plan was to spend the day on the beach. The first thing I did when we got there was take a nap (it was great), then we met up with one of Kelli's friends from high school. It was really cold so we didn't really get in the water, but had the beach experience none the less.

Day 4 we went to church and then went to take family pictures on the beach. We got some REALLY good ones of the
Haub family. We
sortof wished we had brought our babies for that hour. Oh well, guess we'll have to take some mountain pictures with them. This was really the last thing we wanted to do before leaving town. The car was all packed up and ready to go. On our way back we had a small accident though. I tried to avoid a trench that some kids must have dug in the sand, but the sand gave way. I stepped out to catch my balance and jammed my foot into Kelli's leg. It hurt and when I looked down my toe was no longer pointing forward. My response: "I broke my toe." I really would have just come home, but my toe was pointing the wrong direction. Darren volunteered to put it back where it was supposed to be. He pulled really hard and we both felt a pop, but it was still pointing in the wrong direction. So we went to
instacare, they took x-rays, it was broken, the doctor put it back, and we were on our way yet again. We made it back to
Primm in pretty good time, ate breakfast for dinner, and then went to bed. It had been a long day. The most upsetting part...now I have a broken toe and don't know if I should run the half in 3 weeks.

Primm it was back home. I went back to Grandma Jojo's and Grandpa Genie Bugs to get the little ones this time. Thanks for everyone who helped out so that we could go enjoy ourselves, eat too much food, and spend too much money. Thanks Kelli and Darren for planning such a fun trip and letting us come with you.
Andi: "Oh crap! Will you steer"
Curtis: "JACK IN THE BOX!"
Kelli: "We could call you BK for broken foot."
Curtis: "They're just going to have to wait...while...I...do...this."
Curtis: "There's so much crime in LA, they don't care about me. Really, they don't."
Andi: "Look, a plane is taking off and a helicopter is taking down"
Oh I heart the Haumpson Family Reunion! I laughed out loud at each one of the quotes. Too bad everyone else will just think we're weird.
Oh man! That looks like fun...other than the horrible toe picture. UGH!
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